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Fairness for Horses

~ for a second chance ~
A second chance for horses

• Problem horses and horses with behavioral problems

• traumatized horses

• Horses in distress


Fact: problem-horses are made by people!
Misunderstanding, oppression or ignorance 
lead to the above-mentioned dramas.

We want to give something back to them...


because we love horses,

• because they are always there for us humans, no matter how unfairly we treat them

• because they always give their best

We take in these horses free of charge, trained again by experienced horse trainers and, if possible, mediated.

Our Vision

1,000 horses in 5 years!

Until 2028 we want to be able to help as many horses as possible.

We also need YOUR SUPPORT!


This is how you can help us:

• Donate

• Take on sponsorship

• Become a supporter


and of course: Follow us on Instagram: @fairness_fuer_pferde

About us:

We're the people behind "Fairness for Horses":

Sign up for our newsletter:


"Most people are looking for happiness. They're looking for it everywhere. They try hard to find it in another person or to find something outside of themselves.
This is a fundamental error. 
Happiness is something, we ARE and it comes from the way we think about things.

~ Benjamin Franklin ~

Fairness für Pferde

©2024 Fairness for Horses. Made with

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